
execute a directory of mysql script files and process them according to their success or failure status

As part of my fundamentals package, I’ve added a command-line tool call mysqlSucker. Given a directory of MySQL scripts, mysqlSucker can execute the script files and process them according to their success or failure status.

Use pip install fundamentals to install mysqlSucker.

Setup Your MySQL Login Path

Before you begin you will need to run the following code once to set a login-path for your mysql server (> v5.6.6):

mysql_config_editor set --login-path=<uniqueLoginName> --host=localhost --user=<myUsername> --password

This stores your credentials in an encrypted file located at ~/.mylogin.cnf. You can use mysql_config_editor print --all to see all of the login-paths set.

mysqlSucker Usage

    mysqlSucker <pathToDirectory> <loginPath> <databaseName> [-s successRule -f failureRule]

    pathToDirectory       path to the directory containing the sql scripts to run (scripts must have `.sql` extension)
    loginPath             the local-path as set with `mysql_config_editor` (`mysqlSucker -h` for more details)
    databaseName          the name of the database to execute the scripts within

    -h, --help                                  show this help message
    -s successRule, --success successRule       what to do if script succeeds. Default *None* [None|delete|subFolderName]
    -f failureRule, --failure failureRule       what to do if script fails. Default *None* [None|delete|subFolderName]


To simply execute the scripts in a directory run:

mysqlSucker /path/to/scriptdir myLoginPath myDatabaseName

To delete script after they have executed successfully:

mysqlSucker /path/to/scriptdir myLoginPath myDatabaseName -s delete

To move successful script to a passed sub-directory of /path/to/scriptdir and failed scripts to a failed sub-directory

mysqlSucker /path/to/scriptdir myLoginPath myDatabaseName -s pass -f failed