
In a recent release of fundamentals I included a new sqlite2mysql cl-tool. The sqlite2mysql tool does exactly what you would expect it to do; it takes the path to a sqlite database file and copies the tables found in the database to a MySQL database of your choosing. For the usage run sqlite2mysql -h from the command-line:

Take a sqlite database file and copy the tables within it to a MySQL database

    sqlite2mysql -s <pathToSettingsFile> <pathToSqliteDB> [<tablePrefix>]


    pathToSqliteDB        path to the sqlite database file
    tablePrefix           a string to prefix the table names when copying to mysql database
    pathToSettingsFile    path to a settings file with logging and database information (yaml file)

    -h, --help            show this help message
    -v, --version         show version
    -s, --settings        the settings file

Connecting IFTTT to a MySQL database

Connecting IFTTT to a MySQL database

I’ve just finish developing a nifty little tool called yaml2db that allows you to dump the contents of a yaml file, or an entire directory of yaml files, into a database. What’s so nifty about that I here you ask? Well … IFTTT! With the IFTTT service you have quick and super easy access to the APIs of dozens of your favourite web-services. You can use any of the IFTTT channels as an input for an applet that then writes a yaml file with the data you wish to capture to a directory in your Dropbox account. Pointing yaml2db at this Dropbox directory in your filesystem then sucks all this lovely data into a MySQL database. It’s up to you then what you want to do with the data, the point is you now have a simple, homogenised way of pouring content from all those APIs into a local database. nIFTTTy right? (sorry couldn’t resist). …

tastic sort and archive commands

I’ve recently added some command-line tools to my tastic python package. You can read the original post for installation instruction etc., but for the new bells and whistles read on ….

Command-Line Usage

To view the usage instructions run the command tastic -h from the terminal and you should see:
Documentation for tastic can be found here: http://tastic-for-taskpaper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

    tastic init
    tastic sort <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    tastic archive <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>]

    init                     setup the tastic settings file for the first time
    sort                     sort a taskpaper file or directory containing taskpaper files via workflow tags in settings file
    archive                  move done tasks in the 'Archive' projects within taskpaper documents into markdown tasklog files

    pathToFileOrWorkspace    give a path to an individual taskpaper file or the root of a workspace containing taskpaper files
    -h, --help               show this help message
    -s, --settings           the settings file


As part of my fundamentals package, I’ve added a command-line tool call mysqlSucker. Given a directory of MySQL scripts, mysqlSucker can execute the script files and process them according to their success or failure status. …